Life is gradually returning to the regular but with restraints that we are required to take during the global pandemic. The global epidemic, COVID-19, unexpectedly hit us and effected many lives worldwide. Lives were affected, lives were lost, and lives were changed. However, with the sense of community and collaboration from the citizens, we can easily combat this crisis. The only reason we can go back to our lifestyles and stay safe is due to the actions we decide on to protect us from the COVID-19 effects. Our governments and leaders can do so much by supplying the latest products and strategies to protect us the infectious virus. Still, it is up to each individual to hold the responsibility of maintaining the prevention of the illness spreading. As a member of a society, you are required to care and nurture for the community you reside within. Not just for you but for the well-being of the society. Be responsible for your actions and take the extra measures amid a global pandemic, so that we can live without vexation. The virus still exists within us, no matter how extreme or light the conditions are. Meaning, you are required to have an individual responsibility not to take any risks. Risking, by being careless and reckless towards not following the measures to stop the spread of an infectious virus, will indicate the person you embody as a member of the society. Therefore, be respectful and be considerate by becoming a responsible member of society. During these sensitive times, your actions will have consequences and will affect your environment. So be wise and be responsible by staying safe. Here is a reminder on how to be a responsible individual during COVID-19: -